
What is Form 10E for Relief under Section 89(1)

Tax planning is one of the main financial compliance every person earning income must undertake...

Treatment of Amounts received on retirement forming part of salaries

No matter which country you opt to move for your employment, everywhere it is expected...

What is perquisites under income tax

Introduction:Individuals in employment often work hard achieve their personal financial goals. Salaries or wages are...

What is the meaning of Perquisites under Income Tax?

Introduction:Individuals in employment often work hard achieve their personal financial goals. Salaries or wages are...

Form 10 IEA 

Introduction: Income tax department have made their intentions clear in Union Budget 2023 to make new...

Form 12BB : Investment Declaration Form

Form 12BB : Investment Declaration Form What is Form 12 BB?Form 12 BB is an...

Explanation of Press Release on Implementation of E-Verification Scheme-2021  

In India, many people are not aware about their eligibility and liability to file the...

Deductions From Income From House Property

Introduction: Almost every individual dreams of having a house of his own. Many a times, an...

TCS (Tax Collected at source)

TCS (Tax Collected at source) What is TCS:Income tax provisions in India are dedicated at...

Rebate under section 87A of Income Tax Act, 1961

Introduction: In India, tax planning has been one of the most worrisome factor for common individuals...

Defective Income Tax Return and its reasons

Defective Income Tax Return:Filing of Income Tax Return every year is the compliance every person...

Cash Withdrawals or Cash deposits and its implications as per Income Tax

Introduction:Cash transactions have always been the major component of Indian economy before the introduction of...

Deduction u/s 80P(2) for interest income is allowed from Fixed Deposits with Co-operative Banks: ITAT

It’s important for cooperative societies to closely monitor the performance and stability of the cooperative...

Form 3CEB and recent amendments as per notification

Form 3CEB and recent amendments as per notificationWhat is Form 3CEB?Form 3CEB is a document...

What is surcharge and who is liable to pay the same

Earning higher income is the dream of almost every single Individual. Money is what drives...

Clarification from CBDT with respect to Charitable Donations and Application of Income

Charitable trusts and institutions in India can qualify for tax-exempt status under Section 11 of...
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