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CA Chinmay Shirish Agate

Chinmay Agate is a Practicing Chartered Accountant having 4+ years of experience and expertise in the field of Direct Taxation and Auditing compliances. In the past, he worked in various CA firms and comes with wide industry experience from services, retail to manufacturing to trading where he has handled various complex assignments. He has keen interest in Forex and Derivative knowledge as well as fundamental analysis.

Form 10 IEA 

Introduction: Income tax department have made their intentions clear in Union Budget 2023 to make new tax regime as default regime to file Income Tax Returns of all kinds of taxpayers. Earlier old tax regime was the default regime to file…

TCS (Tax Collected at source)

TCS (Tax Collected at source) What is TCS:Income tax provisions in India are dedicated at providing ample revenue to government, which the government shall use to provide better standard of living to citizens of this nation. In order to help…
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